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悠悠2024年02月11日 08:51:48科技85

Everyone will laugh at you if you don't know about Pele(贝利),the most famous football player in Brazil(巴西).Because of his great devotion(贡献)to the cause of football,he is always honored as the“King”by football fans(球迷) worldwide.
Pele showed his genius(天赋)for football in his childhood.When he was thirteen,with perfect skills he joined Santos(桑托斯),a very important football club in Brazil.
In 1958,Pele was chosen to play for Brazil in the Sixth World Cup Competition.Although he was sixteen,he was the best player on the fie ld. Thanks to Pele,Brazil won the world championship for the first time.
Pele played for Brazil in the World Cup Competitions from 1958 to 1970.
In one famous match,the fans were awaiting the exciting moment when Pele would score his thousandth goal when there feree(裁判)gave Santons a penalty(点球) kick .Pele walked up to take it.The opposing goalkeeper(对方守门员)had no chance with the hard and accurate(准确的) shot .Pele had scored his thousandth goal!The crowds cheered:“Pele,Pele...”That is a record which is as valuable in sports as a thousand goals.
Pele was always faithful to the spirit of the sport as a professional(职业)player.He always played a fair game and behaved mode stly(谦虚)with a cheerful smile.
He is held in high respect,and now he is the Minister of Physical Education in Brazil. 绝对正确


他成功的重要原因:1、他的技术和速度都非常出色,他的进球能力也是世界级的。2、贝利还以他的谦逊和职业精神而闻名,他一直是年轻球员们的榜样。3. 贝利的成功不仅仅是因为他的天赋和努力,他还通过自己的努力和奉献为足球运动做出了巨大的贡献。他在职业生涯结束后,继续为足球事业奋斗,成为了一位成功的足球官员和活动家。他的影响力超越了足球领域,他被广泛认可为一位伟大的运动员和人道主义者。




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